

A friend in WhatsApp to set reminders and events
7 reviews

What is RecordAi?

RecordAi is a friendly WhatsApp assistant you chat with—send texts or voice notes, and it’ll remind you of everything important. Unlike traditional to-do lists, RecordAi understands you naturally, sets reminders, and pings you at exactly the right moment.

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5/5 based on 7 reviews
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Alejo Ivan Rojas
1 review
I used to rely on Google Tasks to keep my schedules synced across all my devices. But after trying RecordAi, I realized how much time I was wasting manually writing down tasks and setting schedules. With RecordAi, it's as simple as sending a quick voice note. Plus, I still get seamless cross-device sync through WhatsApp
Micaela Scapino
1 review
I use RecordAI for my daily reminders, I love it.
Karen Solange Dutik
1 review
It's the best reminder in my day to day
Agustín Anfosso
1 review
As a Product Manager, RecordAI saves me time and manual effort by eliminating the need to jump into Google Calendar to set daily reminders. I love how effortless it makes things.
Juan Iaco
1 review
Impresionante. No tiene comparación con ninguna otra herramienta. Muy útil
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