What is SAYMYNAME: Footballers?
Say My Name allows fans and commentators to listen to the native pronunciation of the players’ names and users can practise their pronunciation, whilst receiving an indication of how good (or poor) their result is. It displays all players from 2022 World Cup.
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Recent SAYMYNAME: Footballers Launches

SAY MY NAME: Footballers It's time to stop butchering footballers names ⚽️ World Cup
Launched on November 26th, 2022
Forum Threads
SAY MY NAME: Footballers - It's time to stop butchering footballers names ⚽️ World Cup
Say My Name allows fans and commentators to listen to the native pronunciation of the players’ names and users can practise their pronunciation, whilst receiving an indication of how good (or poor) their result is. All players from the 2022 World Cup ⚽️.