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5 reviews

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What do people think of Showgoers?

The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about Showgoers, what Showgoers can do better, and more.

5/5All time (5 reviews)
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Rick Sheahan
14 reviews

This is the only way (that I know of) where I can feel like i'm actually physically with my long distance girlfriend, at least for an hour two. Unlike phonecalls or facetimes, there's no awkwardness (although facetiming on your phone goes hand in hand with this). I just feel like I'm hangin out with my gf... until an error happens and brings me out of my family. But it is more than worth it.

20 reviews

Doesn't work on Firefox, Edge or other browsers.

Barıs Ozen
4 reviews
ireneusz borkowski
1 review
ngrok tion
1 review

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