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Silo Helpful startup communities

Launched on August 31st, 2017

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5/5 based on 50 reviews
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Donna Griffit
2 reviews

Thank you to the founders!

Roy Daya
1 review

I think that Silo is the evolution of Linkedin. Focused on human interactions around business needs. Members vote up and down to promote and keep spam out and maintain productivity and effective use of time which is key to having high quality and cooperative members. It feels intimate yet huge at the same time. Every ask gets quick relevant and productive responses in a very short time.

Lael Sturm
1 review

This app brings together a large diverse group of entrepreneurs, service providers and execs from big tech companies. It is far and away the most sincere professional network out there- everyone genuinely wants to assist and very few are simply selling. I use it to supplement LinkedIn, not instead of, but I can imagine a day where Silo is my go-to professional app. I am on Silo at least once a day, sometimes more.

1 review

I love Silo, it's awesome. It's kind of like LinkedIn on steroids - you will actually get people responding when you need something, and you'll find yourself wanting to do the same.

Niv Calderon
1 review

I use Silo for almost 2 years now, have published many "Asks" and got help in many fronts. I also try to help people with their needs, so Karma!

Really, a great service. Use it.

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