Simmer (formerly Foodie)

Yelp, but for every dish on the menu
24 reviews
1 follower

What is Simmer (formerly Foodie)?

Simmer (formerly Foodie) has reviews for every dish on a restaurant’s menu. It's a dish decider for when you're at a restaurant. We use ML to algorithmically generate ratings. So far, we have 380k ratings at 5k San Fran, Manhattan, and Chicago restaurants.

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2.33/5 based on 24 reviews
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Kevin Reading
1 review
The simmer website is limited and not a pleasant experience to use. Twice my food was not delivered on the week that my payment was taken and I was sent incorrect meals every now and then. The food is nice and the quality is high but the overall experience left a lot to be desired, and after joining on a promotional offering I am in the process of cancelling my subscription (cancelling is also very difficult to do)
P Vee
1 review
This company is ridiculous, I paid for 1 set of meals which I never received. I was then automatically charged again the following week for the same amount. I contacted customer services and they said I could not get a refund, even though I had made a one off payment and not a subscription. My sister also had the same problem which I found out after I had made my first order. I still wasn’t able to cancel the company from charging me weekly so I had to call my bank to stop this. Would not recommend. Big waste of time
Rohit Goyal
8 reviews

The app is great and useful. Have tried choosing dishes 4-5 times now and never been disappointed.

ferrrrrnando rojo.
6 reviews

I started using Foodie in SF after first moving. It’s basically replaced Yelp for me. I often find places on Infatuation and then pick dishes through Foodie. It was hard to go back to general restaurant reviews after getting meal-specific reviews.

Jeremy Berman
4 reviews

They’re clearly iterating quickly.

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