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Recent steemit Launches

Launched on October 3rd, 2020

Launched on October 1st, 2020

Launched on September 22nd, 2020
Forum Threads
Proof.ink - Proven immutable data stored on the Steem blockchain
Proof.ink's service is pretty straightforward. If you have a document of which you want to know with 100% certainty that it's contents has not been changed, tampered with or altered in any form, use Proof.ink.
Proof.ink works by fingerprinting your file (no matter how big), without the need to upload it, inside your browser.
Crypto Emoji - A Tycoon-style dApp game - #Emojinomics
A Tycoon-style game built around the concept we coined as #Emojinomics. In this game, the player must compete with other players to acquire resources (🐑, 🤓, 💰), craft unique products consuming resources (📱💭⚡🐑 - “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”), or HODL for a later opportunity.
SteemWhale.io - Life-sized (60 feet) sperm whale on the Steem blockchain 🐳
The whale sprays at random intervals, but through SteemWhale.io you can donate some Steem (virtual currency from the Steem blockchain) and get an instant spray as a reward.
It is fascinating to donate crypto and only seconds later see a 350 liter water burst shoot up to 8 meters in the sky, all visible on the livestream (20 seconds delay!).
steemit Alternatives
View all steemit alternativesReview steemit?
Steem as a blockchain platform offers the ideal environment for building social and crowd-related Dapps. The platform has an already existing community of users to increase Dapp adoption and utility with little cost.
Steem Blockchain has some brilliant qualities and is worth looking into.