

Tasks, Todos, TaskLists & Teams
1 review

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What do people think of TaskEase?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about TaskEase, what TaskEase can do better, and more.

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Bikram Agarwal
6 reviews
First page on app launch is for account creation / sign-up. That's my pet peeve. Let the user experience the app first, before asking them to create an account. Moreover, a task manager should NOT have a mandatory account requirement to begin with. EDIT: No, I did not get a chance to use the app functionality, as the very first screen was "must create account". Since I didn't have an account and didn't want to create one without seeing the app functionality, I uninstalled the app after the first screen itself.
Apart from the account requirement, did you get a chance to use the app functionality? I would love to also get your feedback on the functionality if you don't mind, removing the account requirement is straightforward but what will be left is the core of the app, and what most people will care about. Thanks!

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