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Tune by Google

Tune by Google

AI-powered Chrome extension that hides toxic comments
24 reviews

What is Tune by Google?

Tune is an experimental Chrome extension from Google's Jigsaw that lets people customize how much toxicity they want to see in comments. Set the “volume” of conversations on a number of popular platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Disqus

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Review Tune by Google?

1.4/5 based on 24 reviews
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Michael Klein
8 reviews

Filtering even more conversations so the polarisation can be even more extreme - I'm astonished and scared what Google is pushing here... This is "opt-in" censorship - how long will it take till it is "opt-out" and then no choice at all...

7 reviews

I don't think this is the right way to go about the problem. I don't know the solution, but blocking it out all together from a third party is not a lasting and productive solution.

Wesley Overdijk
3 reviews

It's difficult to figure out what it considers to be toxic, but so far it seems to be cursing. The medium setting also hid a comment which was an opinion, albeit a bit harsh. Luckily you can mark comments as "shouldn't be hidden". I disagree with other reviews on here that are scared of this extension. It's not censoring either, that's just pushing it. It's just a way to silence the noise. Sometimes when I'm researching something I don't want to get dragged into discussions and people yelling at each other. This extension would be perfect for that. One very important point I'd like to make though is that it should stay in this specific form. Don't quietly hide comments, the dots that replace the comments currently are perfect. As long as it is opt-in and can be tweaked I think this extension is a great idea. I do feel there's something to be said about being allowed to post toxic comments yourself even though the filter is turned on. It hides your own comment when toxic (I tested it. Obviously deleted my hateful comment after) but I don't know if that's enough.

Ben Mumma
3 reviews

Folks, please don't let Google censor the internet for you. Their bias and blindspots are immense.

Michael Hughes
1 review

It's incredibly ambitious to think a real-time system will be able to effectively block vitriolic comments.

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