

Protect data from unauthorized access and tampering.
3 reviews

What is VirtualES?

A range of powerful features are provided, including data encryption, user management, and access control. These features enable users to conveniently manage and control their data, improving work efficiency. Protect data from unauthorized access and tampering and prevent data leaks and theft to protect a business's commercial interests.

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5/5 based on 3 reviews


Alan Ker
1 review
我是一位公司的領導者,公司運營過程中會產生許多重要的電子資產,如設計圖、開發源代碼、營銷策略、員工資料等....,VirtualES 可以利用現有Windwos的「檔案伺服器」操作方式,直接保護對應的相關資料,對員工來說非常方便達成保密工作,也因此增加公司的競爭力。在駭客與勒索病毒的肆虐下,VirtualES的保護區也都不受干擾,非常強大!!!
Jacelyn Chen
1 review
it's great protecting data and preventing ransomeware product!!
doctor ahmed
14 reviews
The product is amazing i use this.