

Bringing VS Code to the browser
25 reviews9 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Gym Hero
Daniel James Tronca
used this to buildGym Hero Gym Hero
(145 points)
I use vscode.dev for quick code reviews, debugging, and editing lightweight scripts.
Focus Flow
Max Mykhailenko
used this to buildFocus Flow (Jira Plugin)Focus Flow
(43 points)
It’s a fantastic way to code from anywhere. With VS Code, I can easily apply my favorite customizations and themes.
chaitanya abhade
used this to buildCodeOrbitalCodeOrbital
(73 points)
simple to use as i have started with it
Velocity: Prompt Co-Pilot
Arman Siddiqui
used this to buildVelocity: The Prompt Co-PilotVelocity: Prompt Co-Pilot
(125 points)
vscode.dev takes the power of VS Code and throws in cloud convenience. It's a browser-based version that lets you code anywhere with just a web connection, eliminating installation hassles and keeping your environment consistent across devices. This makes it perfect for quick edits, collaboration on the go, or trying out new projects without setup.
Particular Drift
Alan Ang
used this to buildParticular DriftParticular Drift
(109 points)
Thank you to vscode for helping me correct my syntax and formatting
Adi Ramon
used this to buildEarlyAIEarlyAI
(328 points)
We've loved using VS Code – it keeps things simple, powerful, and just gets out of the way when we need to focus. Like having a reliable co-pilot that makes coding feel right
Font Tester
used this to buildFont TesterFont Tester
(238 points)
The best code editor out there
//todo comments for linear
Benjamin Schachter
used this to build//todo//todo comments for linear
(66 points)
I don't, I'm able to stay in flow and not have to spend 1-2 minutes logging a ticket.
Sales Likelihood Calculator
Rowe Morehouse
used this to buildSales Likelihood CalculatorSales Likelihood Calculator
(479 points)
VSCode.dev may not be "sexy" but I always have to have it open. Never thought I'd have this much love for a Microsoft product. And the various AI copilot integrations are a neckbeard's miracle technology pipe-dream come true.
Eden Vidal
used this to buildrnbwrnbw
(270 points)
rnbw is on the other side of vscode and extends existing functionalities of the existing extension, such as live preview. since rnbw is local-first, it naturally works with vscode in parallel.
Moneo AI
Artem Luko
used this to buildMoneo AIMoneo AI
(83 points)
Absolutely love it - so easy and awesome!
rain screen
Tomo Myrman
used this to buildRain Screenrain screen
(186 points)
i love coding in vscode even when i'm building mac apps
Pictogram Generator
used this to buildPictogram Generator Pictogram Generator
(124 points)
This is such a cool tool for development work! I’ve used it for various types of development projects and found it incredibly useful.
TextBin:Open Source PasteBin Alternative
used this to buildTextBinTextBin:Open Source PasteBin Alternative
(59 points)
This extension is for vscode users, so of course a shoutout for vscode is obvious
Hover Preview - A VsCode extension
used this to buildHover PreviewHover Preview - A VsCode extension
(59 points)
VsCode is simple to use and can expand its abilities to much more than just a text editors with plugins.
Matias Caceres
used this to buildAcronymakerAcronymaker
(58 points)
I used VS Code to write the program of Acronymaker using various programming languages.
Dat Tran
used this to buildLegalLintLegalLint
(41 points)
Use vscode to build this addin. Without it I would be slower building software.