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    What do people think of Whimsical?

    The community submitted 195 reviews to tell us what they like about Whimsical, what Whimsical can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (39 reviews)
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    195 Reviews

    Design at Rapidly

    1 review
    If I had to choose between Whimsical and Miro, I'd pick Whimsical every time. It's super easy to use and fast. Tasks that took hours in Lucidchat only take minutes in Whimsical. Their boards work for a range of things like user maps, decision trees and sketches. It's an incredible tool to share your ideas and communicate clearly with your team.
    Robert Cantoni
    3 reviews
    I love this for a certain kind of free-form thinking. It's a simpler tool than lots of other stuff out there, and that's what makes it so good.
    Of all the other solutions i have used for Flow Charts, Process Maps, Swim-lanes etc this is probably one of the best with the other one being Visio. Would start using this for other features as well
    sri misra
    sri misra
    founder >> aarnâ.finance
    7 reviews
    Flowcharts really speeds up the productivity, and this particular use case of AI is really cool. AI is surely gonna change how things have been working. Even we are integrating AI in our DeFi based product!
    Alvaro Villalba Perez

    Founder & Leadership at Clous

    53 reviews
    We're truly fans of workflows and dealflows. Have been using Mural and waiting for some AI tool to increase productivity. This looks to be it. Congrats to the team! PS: love that you have templates.
    Ričards Križanovskis
    1 review
    I just gave it a shot and it's really cool! I was trying to come up with a lead nurturing strategy, and it gave me a decent backbone to work with. Found it interesting that for the same prompt, I had quite different results when choosing flowchart vs mindmap.
    Linh Nguyen
    1 review
    Super awsome app
    Thinh bui duc
    UI Designer
    1 review
    Svitlana Palamarchuk
    Head of Product at Charge
    16 reviews
    Great tool, addresses the pain of creating flow charts manually
    David Maker
    Maker for developers
    32 reviews
    Wow. this is amazing. This will make my brainstorming section so much easier. You should submit this to AI directories: https://shorturl.at/BN035 I am sure you will gain a lot of exposure.