Pepper is the first body positive bra company that wants to empower small-chested women to celebrate their body as it is. The new Limitless Wirefree Bra was designed specially to fit and flatter AA, A and B cups. No more gaps, heavy push up padding, or feeling like you're not enough.
efitter is a chatbot Google Chrome extension that uses previous purchases to predict your size when shopping online. With no need to manually input data, it aggregates your size across your favourite brands to predict your perfect fit the first time around.
Quicksize gives you your exact size in the brand and model of your choice based on what you already have in your closet. Coming on Apple and Android soon!
An intuitive size advisor that delivers certainty for shoppers & captures crucial customer intelligence for apparel firms. Powered by ML, FitFinder combines production size chart data & body-modeling data sets.