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    Where do you find your UX designers?

    Hey PH Founders, I am curious about where you find your UX designers for your product?
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    Common UX Problems for startups (and how to avoid!)

    Working with quite a few startups, here are some problems I saw that you can easily avoid before launching your products! 1️⃣ Lack of User Research: Unfortunately some startups view user research as something nice to have due to limited resources. Omitting user research might cause decisions to be based on teams' preferences instead of user needs, which may lead to developing ineffective and...
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    Hello PH community! Let's connect :)

    Hi there! I am newish to PH and would like to connect with you! https://www.linkedin.com/in/meng-cheng-lin/ I quit my job a few months ago and decided to be a freelance UX designer. I wanted to create a better experience and solving problems for startups. Therefore, I am doing my user research here🤓 As a founder and maker, how did you design your UX? Did you do it by yourself, hire a...
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    How do you minimise the risk when building new features?

    You might be wondering what features would provide the most value to your users, whether your goal is to increase conversion rates or enhance customer satisfaction. However, you face constraints such as limited resources in terms of budget, time, and manpower. If you have a list of features that you believe should be developed next, how can you effectively prioritise them or select the one...