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  • Morgane Granier

    Morgane Granier

    Editapp.io - Pitch decks that hook VCs šŸ”„
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    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    How do you make your pitch deck stand out in a competitive space?

    With everyone pitching the next big thing, how do you make sure your deck doesn't blend into the background? Letā€™s hear your tricks for making investors sit up and say, "Now thatā€™s something!"
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    Pitching remotely: How to adapt your pitch deck for virtual presentations?

    Pitching remotely? Itā€™s a whole different ballgame! Letā€™s talk about how to tweak your pitch deck so it dazzles over Zoom just as much as it would in personā€”no glitchy screen shares allowed šŸ˜
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    The role of video and multimedia in pitch decks: Yay or nay?

    Video and multimedia can be game-changers for pitch decks, adding a dynamic edge to your presentation. But do these elements genuinely enhance your pitch or are they just flashy distractions?
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    Pitch deck length: How long is too long?

    Is there such a thing as too much pitch? We all know investors have the attention span of a goldfish, so letā€™s dive into the great debate: how do you keep your pitch deck from turning into a novel while still getting your message across?
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    left a comment
    Espresso Martini, since it's morning
    Alexander Galitsky
    Smoothie, Coffee or Martini?
    Alexander Galitsky
    Join the discussion
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    What are the best tools for creating dynamic pitch decks?

    Creating a dynamic pitch deck can make all the difference when presenting your idea. Letā€™s talk about the best tools out there that help you build engaging, interactive presentations that capture attention and drive your message home!
    Morgane Granier
    Morgane Granier
    started a discussion

    Design vs. Content: Which matters more in a pitch deck?

    When crafting a pitch deck, the balance between eye-catching design and compelling content can make or break your presentation. But which one truly holds the power to win over investors: sleek visuals or the story your slides tell? šŸ‘€