Stephen Firecrow Silvernight

Stephen Firecrow Silvernight

Compare Basic founder/software engineer
14 points
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Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
started a discussion

Why launch a startup, big companies are just fine? Tell your trailblazing story

Hi all, I wanted to start a convo about why those of us choose to take on more risk, work harder, and go through all the startup stuff... and for what? let me know below I'm sure its a story worth telling. I'm Stephen, the founder of and my reason is simple, I had lots of ideas that were too old-school, too long-term, or too deep to be approved at other companies. So...
Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
started a discussion

Just published the FE framework used for my upcoming product Hi All, it's been a busy week, where shooting for the moon and hoping I hit the stars is the name of the game. Above is a blog post for our open-source front-end framework. I'll post more about our upcoming product that will be built with it. Let me know if anyone has thoughts about the...
Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
Stephen Firecrow Silvernight
started a discussion

How to deal with a lonely Solo-Prenuer journey

Hi all, I'll try and keep this as light hearted as I can. I'm one of those people who is often observed as "beating to a different drummer". From 3D graphics as a kid, music, changing my name legally from Stephen to Firecrow, when I was 18. The code I write is "odd" and "oddly magical". I got tired of watching my ideas take a back seat so I've gone out on my own starting Compare Basic. It's...