Tanya Pereira

Are you more productive when you work alone or as part of a team, and why?

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Meredith Lancaster
I work as a team and alone. Sometimes more productive as a team, sometime as an individual. It just depends. But lately, I've been teaming up with AI to get things done, so you can call that teamwork productivity? HA! Actually, we just launched our product today (BoodleBox) where teams and AIs can collaborate to increase productivity!
Tanya Pereira
@meredith_lancaster hehe, I guess we're all teaming up with AI!! Happy to support your launch, all the best :)
Meredith Lancaster
@tanya_p haha! Yes we sure are! :) Thanks so much for the support! I will do the same with you! when you launch shortly! :)
Isha S
I think teamwork is an essential component of the workplace. It helps build trust, teaches conflict resolution skills, speeds up the production of complex tasks, and helps achieve new goals faster.
Tanya Pereira
@isha_s1 true, working in a team can be a lot of fun as well :)
JD Worcester
@isha_s1 Best of luck with the Narrato launch!
Julia Engelsmann
I think it depends on the task! So a mix of both is essential
JD Worcester
@julia_engelsmann Best of luck on the Crewting launch!
Julia Engelsmann
@jd_worcester Thank you so much!
Annie Luu
Both! Depends on the type of work, when brainstorming ideas as a team is so much more productive than alone. And when doing detailed orientated task like report or data analysis working alone is more productive.
Tanya Pereira
@annie_luu true!!! Teamwork is a win when it comes to brainstorming
Simona O'Neill
I enjoy working on my own and work on my own all the time for the past 3 years., but sometimes I miss working with others in the same room. I am most productive when no one is distracting me, but I feel like sometimes a lot more can be achieved in a team environment.
Tanya Pereira
@simona_o_neill3 I guess the best part of working with a team is enjoying the company! No doubt you have less distractions while you work alone, but at times you miss the company of a team
JD Worcester
@simona_o_neill3 Just signed up for the CANVID launch, best of luck!!
Santosh Bagalkot
There is no one answer to this unfortunately :)
Tanya Pereira
@santosh_bagalkot1 hehe, so a mix of both then... actually it's the same with me too... At times I like working alone and sometimes I enjoy working with a team!
Nataliya Trotsenko
Mostly I am on the side of team work as I have a batch of ideas but validating them - it is what is most critical for me
Tanya Pereira
@natalie_trotsenko interesting!! Validation of ideas by the team sure is critical
Natalie Ermishina
When it is about concentration I prefer to work alone and in silence. And if it is art brainstorming or promoting - team work is always a better decision :)
Tanya Pereira
@natalie_ermishina team work is the best when you need to get new ideas and perspectives!
Pooja Jyothy-Seshadri
A mix of both of both personally!
Tanya Pereira
@pooja_0712 I guess this works best!
Marvin Mändle
Depends on the task. But in total I'm more productive when I work alone from home
Tanya Pereira
@marvin_maendle same with me!!
Jake Tital
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
I'm more productive when working alone because I can focus better without distractions. However, collaborating in a team brings diverse perspectives, which can enhance creativity and problem-solving.
Tanya Pereira
@lelekou true, getting different perspectives always helps
I am more productive when I am working with a team, individually I am not that productive when I have little pressure on my mind then I feel myself productive
Tanya Pereira
@neha_8 that's interesting Neha!
Tolulade Ademisoye
Mnn, it depends. I love the teaming when it isn't noisy and distractive. Outside that, working alone is a go for me. But team work helps.
Tanya Pereira
@ato1 I quite agree!!
Neelam Goswami
Always as a team. Shared trauma I guess 😂 But jokes apart, it's always great to have people to share your little milestones with.
Ramit Koul
It actually depends on the task. So, a mix of both.
Tanya Pereira
@ramitkoul very true, the task is what matters
Sophia H
I'm extroverted, so more productive as part of a team ;)
Tanya Pereira
@sophia_h :P Extroverts sure like to be part of a team
Milli Sen
Both I guess
Tanya Pereira
@millisen true for a lot of us!
Ashley Rehan
It's me and my weird music taste which drives me towards productivity. I dont like when someone else does my task or involves in my task. So it's me doing the work but sitting next to my teammates and wearing my headsets.
Tanya Pereira
@ashley_notch headphones and music keep a lot of us focused on our work!! I personally find it difficult to work if I don't have some music in the background
Mark Lemuel M
I am more productive alone, however if there's one thing I'd do I will use drop servicing to leverage my time in other people. also It will be a great help providing jobs.
Tanya Pereira
@kilopolki very interesting! I also tend to be a bit more productive when I work alone. But some tasks just work better with team support!