How do you automate your onboarding process for new users?

Ashit Vora
4 replies
I want to streamline the onboarding process for new users but keep it personalized. What tools have you used for this?


Matthew Aaron Clarke
We use a combination of in-app tutorials, interactive walkthroughs, and contextual tips to guide new users. Personalizing the onboarding based on user goals has really helped with activation. Would love to hear what's working well for others!
Dimitris Kargatzis
Unfortunately, there’s no one solution to fit all scenarios. In our case, we ended up with implementing a comprehensive onboarding stepper and checklist, along with various help indicators across our dashboard pages.
Ashit Vora
Do you set up an automated sequence to educate the new joiners?
Johanna John
I like to use product tours and automated emails to guide users through key feature without overwhelming them