How often should I email?
Deluar Hosain
7 replies
The #1 question people ask me is “How often should I email?”
My short answer: Consistently, but intentionally.
If you’re launching a new product, ramp up.
If you’re in a quieter season, focus on building relationships with value based emails.
You don’t have to email every day just to say you did.
Make your emails worth opening.
Give people something to look forward to.
Mail with purpose.
And do it often.
Because you're either IN the noise or forgotten.
Ash G@ash_grover
Agreed! Emails that add real value and are sent with a clear purpose make a lot of difference.
Launching soon!
I ask myself the same question… I’d be happy to see others responses.
Let’s connect
While working in sales and building email sequences we made shorter breaks between the first 2 or 3 emails and then longer breaks later. But about 2 or 3 days of a break between emails is a good starting point I suppose.