How to balance between marketing and code? ⚖️

Igor Den
8 replies
Hi folks, Igor here. Balancing coding and marketing is like walking a tightrope in the startup world. I've been working on something to help with just that – stay tuned at How do you manage these two crucial aspects of your business? Eager to hear your strategies!


Savilia Lastero
Allocate dedicated time blocks for each task, prioritize based on project needs, leverage automation tools for marketing, and maintain a flexible schedule to adapt to changing priorities. ⚖️
Mansi Trivedi
I think it's all about setting time periods and also planning your stuff in advance. But at the same time, you don't really have to do it on your own, get a team member if possible.
Kevin Moisch
For me it works the best to switch between them on a weekly base, for example 1 week coding - 1 week marketing
Elena Tsemirava
For me, these are such different things that I prefer to focus solely on marketing, which I understand. I leave the technical part to professionals, meaning my partner.
Virginie Cazol
Time flies when you're coding, and you're always thinking "ah but I have to do this too". Personally, doing time intervals over a day doesn't work, so I do days with code and days without.