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  • Roast my landing page

    4 replies
    Hi! This week I launched CoherentCode, my programming mentorship service: https://www.writecoherentcode.com/?utm_campaign=Feedback+Request&utm_source=producthunt&utm_medium=blog What do you think about the landing? Does it convey the offer well? I tried to go for minimalism in my design, what do you think about it? Any feedback greatly appreciated! Cheers, Toli


    Kia Kamgar
    Brutal honest truth? It looks like 97.63% of all other websites on the internet that’s watched a YouTube video about how a website should convert and make sales. Remember this… “You laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at you because you’re all the same” You will NOT stand out if you’re doing what everyone else is doing. *now you can roast my feedback ;-)
    It can improve. If you're still confused, maybe avoid the justification of the paragraph.
    Claudiu Cogalniceanu
    It’s all over the place. Margins are not consistent, titles are not differentiated, hero section is weirdly split into 2 colours, distance between paragraphs is inconsistent, your second cta comes before the main one instead of the other way around, and it’s too much text to read. Overall, I have no idea where to look, what’s important, what do you want me to know, I just know that you take calls with prospective clients. Sorry if it was too harsh😀
    Alex von Reiche
    Very odd choice of spacing and layout order. For your Hero section saying Coherent code, maybe add 2 buttons as part of the hero element. One saying Coaching Services and the other saying join Newsletter. I personally like it when a button leads to another section on the website rather than a popup. For Sections I'd recommend the following order: Hero Element (Coherent Code) - How it works (I'd remove the get in touch button) - Testimonials - Our Offer - I'm Anatolii - Book Now - Newsletter signup That's my personal preference, that's kind of the format that I used on my site: https://ctrl-analytics.com/ Take it or leave it, totally up to you!