Jamie Sprowl

The PH team is hosting a live talk tomorrow on growth after launch! What questions do you have?


Sign up here if you want to join live or get the recording: https://lu.ma/fpan1ipo

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What are some of best practices to do right after launching?
Vasily Malyshev
What are the best customer acquisition methods for B2B Saas?
Jamie Sprowl
@stoicbasil great question! We'll address this in the presentation if you can make it. Planning to share the recording with anyone who registers if the timing doesn't work out.
Jing Gu
Signed up! This may be obvious but I would love to understand what are the most effective strategies to drive traffic from Product Hunt after launch. Additionally, I'm curious about different metrics that we can use to measure success aside from the obvious visitors and signups. Lastly, what are the best ways to nurture relationships with folks who upvoted and commented on your product?
Jamie Sprowl
@jingg_n_tonic thanks for the questions. I think a lot of people will want to know the same, so we will add these to the Q&A section. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!
After a launch, I typically advise makers to do the following: 1. Install the PH mobile app and browse through the list of your upvoters + commenters. Follow their PH profiles and cross-connect through social links in their bio if it feels appropriate. 2. Make a note of all the comments, feedback, reviews or suggestions and filter + share them with the product team. 3. Continue to create meaningful Discussion Posts on PH. 4. Try out the new short video feature on PH to keep your Product Hub followers engaged. 5. Browse through your in-app notifications and reciprocate support to makers on PH. The more you engage, the more likely users will notice you! Treat your Product Hunt profile as your landing page, every time someone visits your profile they will know -- who you are, what you do, and what you're building. Add your social and website links. 5. Run ads on PH and/or retarget the website traffic. 6. Create an email sequence to nurture new users. Build a community of true fans. Run webinars. 7. Plan for user/customer retention and upsell. What else do you advise makers must do immediately after their launch on PH? :)
Nick Stein
If you were to follow up a Product Hunt Launch with another awareness platform, what would it be and why?
Julio Medina
Are there any immediate plans or opportunities in the near future from the new leadership?
Jamie Sprowl
@juliomedina we are planning to share a few high-level plans that are on our roadmap. Hope you can join!
Mick Essex
Why is this scheduled for the exact time of our launch? 😂 I kid, but it is also true. I registered, assuming there would be a recording emailed afterward.
Jamie Sprowl
@mick_essex haha bad timing! We will share you the recording after.
Susan Fischer
How can I grow two weeks after launch or three??
Laura Mesa
@chessnotion I would focus on reviews. Reviews help you with your organic search performance and inject you across the site for additional visibility. Moreover, hubs with a regular cadence of reviews have seen up to 8X MORE traffic than similar hubs without reviews.
Saved! I'm wondering if there are any plans to make a feed of people you follow, and see what updates they post. Right now Discussions are good, but I feel that post-launch it would be great to have a feed where your followers can get the latest updates from the products or people you follow.
Jamie Sprowl
@stelofo yes! working on something like this that's a better version of the existing activity feed https://www.producthunt.com/acti...
Relja Denic
How can you gather feedback effectively and implement it after the launch? What's the best way to do this
Gloria G
Really have interest in it but can't register now, may I have the recording, plz?
Bridie Lee
Look forward to it! I'm interested in learning about strategies to manage our PH presence post-launch and how those may differ depending on product category as well.
Maybe you can give me tips on how to promote our form backend service fabform.io
just on time! looking forward to it, thanks!
Anna Carmichael
How do you keep the momentum going?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Understanding a little more about the gamification. There are lots of myths on here so understanding if: Streaks, Points, Badges actually mean anything/hold weight etc.
Jane Nguyen
Any tips for our product to target the right audience?
Shivangi Awasthi
Looking forward to it, thanks!
How to define a successful launch? Is there any way to successfully launch on Product hunt?
How to get feedback after launching on ProductHunt?