Do sports at least a few times per week. This way I enhance my productivity, get new energy, recharge my body and brain, and increase my self-esteem. A fit body is a huge advantage. :)
Proper planning and probably yearly goals (even though I'm not completing all of them). For me, they just stay in the back of my mind and I know what I should be doing and have some kind of priorities set straight.
Setting clear, achievable goals is crucial for making progress and achieving success. Write down your goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps that you can take every day.
Planning everything I want to achieve for a week, a month and a year. Plus proper road map on how to do it. It's great to look back on who I was when I started working towards certain goal and what I became or gain by completing the goal :)
Gerenciar minhas metas, ao invés de fazer anotações pelo celular, escrever elas. Pequenos hábitos pessoais, também fazem parte das mudanças. Ter o hábito de passear com o meu cachorro, eu uso como reflexão diária, penso nas próximas metas, próximo passo que vou dar na empresa e futuros projetos. Todo hábito bom, serve como uma estratégia produtiva para nós.
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