What Results Can You Expect from Product Hunt Launch?

18 replies
We've seen mixed feedback about launching on Product Hunt—some founders find it frustrating, while others are fully satisfied with their results. At MySignature.io, we conducted a small investigation to determine if launching on Product Hunt in 2024-2025 is still worthwhile and what realistic outcomes to expect. We surveyed dozens of services launched this year, many of which secured a top 10 spot for the day. And what we found out: https://mysignature.io/blog/product-hunt-launch/


Harald Frank
Thank you for sharing your insights. Helps to classify the results and adjust expectations.
Timothy Bramlett
So I think unfortunately that product hunt has changed a lot Since the heyday of it back in 2016 to 2019. I can't prove this with any metrics or stats. But I do feel like there's still value overall, ultimately, unfortunately, in the product hunt backlink. Its backlink is actually worse, more valuable than the traffic, in many cases, that you can get from it. Unless, of course, that is that you get super lucky and you get a ton of traffic by being one of the top products of the day.
Founder Growth Space
Founder Growth Space
Top 5 of the day you can expect a least 3000-4000 visitors for the next week
Great insights, Vasyl! Launching on Product Hunt has always been a bit of a hit or miss, so it’s interesting to see data-backed research on current trends. I’m curious—did you notice any common factors among the successful launches? I'll definitely check out the full article—thanks for sharing!
A few things that one can expect from a PH launch: 1) Good exposure (hundreds of people will get to know about your product if not thousands) 2) Free-trial sign-ups (if you have a freemium product, could be in double digits to a few hundreds at the max) 3) Conversions (if your target audience are in PH, conversions could easily happen in double digits) These are from my experiences and knowledge I have gathered so far.
Olya Zabalkanska
Love the data! So what's your outcome? would you launch?
Jawad Tijani
Thank you for the data! Yeah it confirms actually what I had in mind, Product Hunt is actually a great platform to build initial buzz, get some visibility and tons of feedback from the amazing community. There are actually only benefits to launching on PH tbh. :)
Ulrica Storset
Interesting insights! Wish I had seen it before our launch today.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
cannot even comprehend how useful it is, especially for newbies
LDJ Beatless
Launching on Product Hunt can have various results. For some, it can bring significant exposure, increased user acquisition, and valuable feedback. However, it might not work as well for others. It depends on factors like the product's uniqueness, target audience alignment with Product Hunt's user base, and the marketing effort put into the launch. Reading case studies like the one on MySignature.io's blog can give more insights into what to expect.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
as you said in article "there aremany doubts about the platform's algorithm and fairness"
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Thank you for such amazing article! Now i'm addicted to numbers ))
Alexander Scott Williams
Depends on your goals and metrics for success. If you want a big spike in traffic and signups, PH can definitely deliver that. 5-10k uniques on launch day is common. Conversion to active users varies a lot based on your product and onboarding. I've seen anywhere from 5-30%+ of PH visitors convert to signups/downloads. Key is having a clear CTA and compelling onboarding flow to capitalize on the attention. Also helps a ton to engage with commenters and build relationships with PH influencers who can help promote. Overall, PH is an awesome launching pad, especially for consumer and prosumer products, but you gotta be ready to ride the wave!
Arindam Vaidya
a) Brand Awareness b) Early adopters c) Some advocacy and d) Some connects