If talking about just content marketing having an agency or a person on outsourcing is good enough. It's all about the way you place the task and find the right resource for work. As with a team member - you need to invest time to find a perfect fit, but once you do, you can easily delegate the work.
It's important to consider sustaining a team member, with an outsourcing there are less liabilities (if I can place it so). Plus, forming a team is much more complex since there are many people involved; with outsourcing or and agency it's usually a company representative and the task implementor. So setting up a process can be easier. And then if you need to monitor the effectiveness of an employee on outsourcing, just use a tool like Timesheet [https://bit.ly/timesheet-technuf] or so - and it will be a nice way of seeing what the person is doing and what's the task progress.
@technufllc I agree that it depends on what's the value of the task for you and if you have the resource for a quality in-house team. Thank you for the tool suggestion, I will definitely check it! Also, I can suggest a great content management tool [https://oppflow.io/] where you can automate your tasks, track your workflow, manage your team, and produce & publish your content. I think every content team needs a tool like this to enhance their content marketing process.
It's difficult for an agency to understand your business with the same level of intimate knowledge as your in house team, but with the right context setting agencies can offer a higher level of creative.
@emily_matick I think that's the main struggle. If you are going to work with an agency, you have to find a quality and dedicated one. When you find the right one, it will be easier and cheaper than building an in-house team.
My personal preference is with an in-house team. Since they are already aware of the guidelines and the procedures to follow when producing the content, things get done easily.
From my personal experience, when working with an agency you have to brief them appropriately, and still have to make a few tweaks before the pieces are ready for publication.
Both have their advantages of course. If you can accurately assign jobs and give an impeccable design brief, outsourcing provides plenty of convenience, in the end they are responsible for the end product.
Doing it in house, you would be more likely to get involved in the process somehow, adding on to your workload. If your creators are not experienced it would take even longer and get more tedious, but you can get more done for less.
Wrapping up, I would favor in house teams over agencies -as long as the budget allows-. Your in house team is with you in the long run, so they can lay the foundations of your content marketing strategy and carry it out over an extended period. It will be costly though, so if you're a startup with limited budget and point blank content needs, you might as well prefer to go with an agency for a temporary period.
@deniz_sutas Well said! Also, instead of working with an agency in every aspect of content marketing, you can get support for specific areas where your team is weak. Lots of well-known companies prefer this way.
I really like this question. Im launching something that's in-between. I think both have there pros and cons, but it comes down to the nature of the business.
@shushant_lakhyani If you work with an agency for the long term, after a while, they understand your needs and strategies as well as you do. I think it's about finding the right agency and starting the process in the most efficient way.
In-house all the way. Most of the time is lost in trying to explain an idea or brainstorm stuff with external agencies but people who are in-house have already had the onboarding exp so they get the vision easily.
In-house for the win! You can't make an agency understand your problem statement or the solution you are selling if it's too technical! So it's better to spend on building your in-house content team!✌️
At an early stage definitely outsourcing, there are so many good startups offering affordable solutions for content marketing and at the later stage definitely in-house team.
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