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Grid it™

Grid it™

The first Logo Grid Generator™
2 reviews

What is Grid it™ ?

The first Logo Grid Generator™ An Adobe Illustrator plugin for logo designers. Generate anchors, handles, outlines and gridlines instantly! What use to take 60 minutes, now takes 0.6 seconds.

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Recent Grid it™ Launches

Grid it™ The first Logo Grid Generator™

Launched on November 24th, 2023

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3/5 based on 2 reviews


Fox Mulder
1 review
Doesn't generate handles you can use to handle the logo. Instead, it generates handles you can see, view, showcase in a reel... Useless in the creative process. On top of that, impossible to delete. Scam. Stay away.
M.Mughees Siddiqui
1 review
The amount of hours I've spent recreating logo grids for presentations or portfolio work is sickening so using Grid It and having it create grids in second is insane!