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Chris Messina

Algolia's New Docs Search - Search documentation like never before 🔎


We're taking documentation search to new heights with Algolia and Autocomplete.
Spotlight-like experience, dynamic grouping, keyboard navigation, Query Suggestions, Quick Filters, and more. You'll never want to leave the comfort of our search.

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Chris Messina
So impressed by the new Algolia docs search experience. It's simply gorgeous!
Sarah Dayan
Hi! I'm Sarah Dayan, software engineer at Algolia, and co-maker of this new search experience for Algolia's documentation. Algolia is known for its lightning fast, relevant search API, but up until now we didn't give our own documentation the love it deserved regarding the search UI and UX. We've overhauled the entire thing to raise the bar and create the most comfortable documentation search experience ever. Feature highlights: - 🔍 Spotlight/Alfred-like experience with a result preview panel - 🤯 Better relevance with dynamic grouping - ⚡️ Smart prefetching for faster access to search results - ⌨️ Full keyboard navigation support - 🔁 Synchronized search state in the URL (you can now share search results) - ☑️ Explicit filtering right from the query with Quick Filters - ❓ Insightful no results state with Query Suggestions and results without filters - 📱 Refined mobile and tablet experience - ✨ Focus on UX with a clearer interface, micro-interactions, and many patterns inspired by native experiences You can try it out right now: Click the search box, or better, hit Command/Ctrl + K and search away! What's coming next: - 🎙 Algolia Answers & Voice Search support with the Web Speech API - 💻 OpenSearch support (search in the Algolia docs and Query Suggestions FROM YOUR BROWSER'S URL BAR 😱) We're using the alpha v1 of our Autocomplete library, which you can start exploring if you feel adventurous!
Alex Bauer
This is so good. Algolia raising the bar, again. Website search is such a deceptively difficult problem...users are completely spoiled by Google, and everyone loves to say ‘your search sucks’ without any quantifiable ideas for what would make it better 😣. I admit read this first as ‘new DocSearch’ ( Are any of these new improvements eventually coming to that project too?
Sarah Dayan
@alexdbauer Yes they are! The new search is custom, but it relies on our Autocomplete library (alpha v1), which DocSearch also uses. We've reused many patterns from DocSearch, and all the features you see (Quick Filters, preview panel, etc.) will be available as Autocomplete plugins.
Brian Lee
Algolia is one of the best services out there. Works really well. My only complaint is that on credit cards they show up as Alg Theseus which can confuse people.
Devin Gray
Sarah and the team teased this on twitter for a while. and It was worth it... These docs are impressive
Jason Angelico
Would love to hear more what you guys are doing
Mike Starks
Wow, that's awesome!
Brian Rossetti
this is so neat - im curious since the documentation pages are public, will Algolia open their crawled pages from the DocSearch program so they can be data mined through the API? is there a chance that analytics could be made available publicly so people can build off of that aggregated data of documentation?