Paul Jarvis

Fathom Analytics v2 - Simple & private analytics for bloggers & businesses

Over 1 million people use our software to know what’s important and popular on their websites. We don’t collect personal or invasive data about your users, nor do we use cookies, meaning you don’t have to show pesky notices to users about cookie tracking.

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Paul Jarvis
Hey all, Today is huge for us... we've been working on version two of Fathom for months and it's finally live. We rebuilt it from the ground up to be faster, simpler and even do more (like track goals). Our backend scales with our customers, so huge spikes won't slow us or your down, and our tracker is served from a global CDN. We created Fathom because there weren't any other simple and privacy focused analytics platforms out there... we just wanted to get all our data from a single screen, and not give up any personal data about our users at the same time. We don’t collect personal or invasive data about your users, nor do we use cookies, meaning you don’t have to show pesky notices to users about cookie tracking. We’re GDPR compliant too. PS: We even updated our marketing site (using Statamic), and there are now 243% more cats. 😸
Andrew Askins
@pjrvs congrats! I've been really tempted to make the switch from Google Analytics for a while, the simplicity of Fathom is just as exciting as the privacy controls. Is there any way to import data from GA? I don't even know if they make it possible, but I would love to be able to keep our historical data (even if we ditch most of it).
Paul Jarvis
@andrewaskins Ya, you can always keep GA for historical data reasons, but we don't have a importer :)
Collins Agbonghama
Congrats on the launch Paul. Quick question, is the v1 open source version now abandoned? Talking about because it looks like the v2 was rewritten in PHP/Laravel (as detected by wappalyzer).
Paul Jarvis
@w3guy V1 open-source isn't abandoned, we are still doing our best to patch/fix things and have no plans to ever close it down. But, we are also trying to keep Fathom going long-term, so we need to focus on it generating revenue. By doing so, we can keep V1 open-source forever.
Collins Agbonghama
@pjrvs Am I correct to think v2 will remain closed source while v1 remains the only OS version?
Paul Jarvis
@w3guy Correct. V2 is for our paying customers. V1 is our community edition for everyone.
Charli Marie Prangley
This looks rad! I've just signed up for a trial and set it up on my site. Is there a way for me to import historical GA data (just the things that are shown on the Fathom dashboard)? Or will it mean I have to start fresh with my analytics?
Paul Jarvis
@charliprangley We don't have a GA import, but you can start fresh (and just keep your GA account for historical data if you need it). We have thought about an importer, but haven't got there yet in terms of features.
Justin Jackson
I’ve been using Fathom v1 for my personal site and I can’t wait to get this!
Paul Jarvis
@mijustin Appreciate all your support Justin! Get into your dashboard, V2 is waiting patiently for you :)
Levi Nunnink
This product just keeps getting better. Love that you added "Goals".
Paul Jarvis
@levinunnink Heck ya, thanks Levi! Click on "Current visitors" too and you'll see details of current pages and current referrers.
Mark Thomas Miller
Congrats Paul! I've been following Fathom since the beginning. IMO it's the best-designed analytics platform out there. I had a question – did you do the copywriting for your marketing site? I *love* how much personality there is, and it's so easy to understand.
Paul Jarvis
@markthomasmiller That's what I like to hear :) And yes, I did all the copywriting... simple is best for me because I'm not smart enough to do it any other way, haha.
Brian McHale
@pjrvs congrats on getting it out there :D
Cameron McCool
This is awesome. Congrats on the launch!
Kai Gradert
Will give this a try for my personal sites.
Paul Jarvis
@kaigradert Thanks Kai, let us know how it goes :)
Fathom is absolutely amazing, and I'm absolutely looking forward to using V2.
Sergio Sala
The simplicity in v1 was so good, that I'm just excited to keep tracking my sites with the new v2 that add more features but keep it simple stupid :)
Paul Jarvis
@sergiosa_la As you'll see in v2, the simplicity is carried through. Even though there are few more features, the interface is still one single page, carefully organized/arranged.
Shangata Afsana
Sasha Kovaliov
Paul and Jack, thank you for creating an empathic product that doesn't turn people and my customers into users, doesn't abuse them or me, works well, and has all the essentials. Wishing you courage and determination to continue work on Fathom and building a fair version of the internet. Thank you to all the people who believe in your vision and make your work possible 😺
Paul Jarvis
@nlupus Much appreciated Sasha, thank you kindly! 🙌
Steve Messer
Logged into Fathom today and saw the updates, it looks fantastic! I've been curious about which devices, browsers and countries my website is viewed by. Top product, affordable and privacy-centric. Love it.
Paul Jarvis
@stevenjmesser Happy to hear this Steve, much appreciated!
Dani Panus
Let's give it a shot :)
Agus E. Setiyono
i've using Fathom since few months ago. do you provide API on this version?
Jack Ellis
@bagusdesain Hi Agus - We're working on an incredible API :)