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Yulia Lund

FaaS Wars global serverless challenge - Learn serverless compute and win upto USD 1400


💫 FaaS Wars is a 3months global robot coding competition organized by members of Apache Openwhisk & HackerEarth. Create a fighter by writing some code, deploy it as a serverless API using Nimbella. Build your first #JediBot & win upto $1400 💰 in cash prizes.

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Yulia Lund
Hello everyone, I am so happy to launch the second episode of popular serverless coding competition - the FaaS Wars on Product Hunt! FaaS Wars is a 3-months challenge, that aims to explains how simply to write your first servlerless functions, build you robots, battle against developers from all over the world. How the challenge works: Step 1: Sign up for Nimbella Step 2: Discover educational materials at the Learning Station Step 3: Write a code to control a robot (faasfighter) moving on a battlefield and fire lasers to battle another robot, built by other participants. Step 4: Battle against other robots Step 5: Refer your friends to the Competition and earn up to 5 lives for your robot Step 6: Improve your robot and win cash prizes monthly. Please feel free to check HERE learning materials that will help you to win. Build your first #ServerlessJedi now and May the FaaS Be With You! I really hope that you will have fun playing this coding game. Comments are welcome! Yulia
Michael Arguello
This is AWESOME! This is a product that I have been looking forward to for so long.
Yulia Lund
@michaelarguello Thank you, we truly hope that you will enjoy participating in the challenge
Abhash Kumar
Nice! I love the Star Wars theme.
Yulia Lund
@abhash_kumar2 Thanks Abhash!
James Thomas
Neat idea :)
Yulia Lund
@thomasj Thank you! I hope you will participate!
Nikhil Mane
Seems interesting. This something that a developer should have a try on for sure
Yulia Lund
@nikhilmane1912 It's fun and easy way to learn serverless :)