Art West

Automation Mega Bundle - Unlock productivity with a single document


You don't need to be a developer to build powerful automations. All your automation needs, in one place. Over 100 pre-built automation workflows for platforms like Zapier, Make, and Bardeen in one Notion document. Become an expert in Automation today!

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Art West
Hey everyone 👋 Taylor here. We use automation daily in our workplace. So, we figured, why not make a curated Notion document with our favorites - all in one place? This has been built by us, for the community to serve as a resource for all your automation needs. Add your favorites to the 'favorite' side panel, or even add your own workflows 🚀 Simply purchase, duplicate (you can even download a .PDF!), and begin streamlining. Excited to hear your thoughts and feedback on this awesome Automation Mega Bundle🥳
I was thinking of releasing a product like this too, but this is so awesome! Congrats on the launch!
Art West
@heyuren Thanks so much Üren!
Susan M Davis
I'm a little confused. How exactly are you selling automations for other services INSIDE Notion? Is it just information that you will then have to use to create the automations in those services (ie. instructions) or is it actually giving you some template type thing you can then import into the various tools?
Art West
@smsdavis Hey Susan, it is a curated Notion document that contains automation templates for platforms like Zapier, Bardeen, and Make. You have the ability to click into each automation card and use it for your own, or even add your own workflows. Our goal with this was to collect the most useful automations that we (and many others) find useful in our everyday work life 😁