Chris Switalski

SheetDB - Turn a Google Spreadsheet into a RESTful API

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Arix Imitation is the highest form a flattery, eh?
Chris Switalski
Hey, I am Chris, founder of SheetDB. If you have any questions feel free to reach out for me.
Wesley Haines
@chris_switalski Hey Chris, did you mean to just flat out copy Stripe's site? Was there another intention here?
Chris Switalski
@wesley_haines I think you can spot some differences ;) Simple and clear design was what we were trying to achieve.
Kevin Østerkilde
@chris_switalski The CSS is a straight copy... Exactly the same colour values and properties all over the place. It's not being inspired, that's just stealing code.
Chris Switalski
@kosai106 Values are not the same but I have to admit - it was an inspiration to our designer. Maybe not the best idea - we will work on another one but need some time.
Arron Hunt

Shamelessly ripping off Stripe's website is embarrassing and shameful. Please nobody give money to this guy.




Please use an original design

Omar Khatib

I can not trust a product steal design from another one.




They copied design.

Jarred Dan

Good app.


Easy to use api for spreadsheets


Maybe they can use different design but whatever.

Aashutosh Rathi
Can this product do the reverse too?
Chris Switalski
@aashutoshrathi What do you mean?
Ruan du Plessis
I kind of have to agree with all the other peeps, from all the gazillion free web templates etc available online today you still chose to copy Stripes CSS code. Other than that, sure having a normal REST API exposed may save a little bit of dev time where you do not need to interact with the Google Sheet API directly first. Its a small win, but still a win i guess?
Chris Switalski
Hi Product Hunters, we changed the design and added many more features, check it out here:
After 6 years of not updating our site, we finally decided to redesign it. We too, were inspired by Stripe's site (it's one of the best on the internet). It seems from your responses above that you may be confused about the difference between being inspired / copying/ stealing. This is what using a site as inspiration looks like: No one is going to arrive and say, "WOW, they totally ripped off Stripe's site." See the difference? I share this as a fellow maker with the best of intentions. Trust is one of the most important commodities online, and sometimes you don't get a 2nd chance to regain it once it's lost. I'd bump up "redesigning the site" to the top of your list before you continue making bad 1st impressions with other prospective users, partners, promoters, etc.
Chris Switalski
@jarrod_morris Thank you for your comment and your thoughts, we will do it for sure but it is not 1-day task. We need some time to do this.
update the image ;)