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Do you miss StumbleUpon? Come find the coolest shiz online
5 reviews

What is CookieJar?

Remember StumbleUpon? We miss the days of exploring the web and diving deep into cyberculture. If you’re feeling lost and want to start exploring again, we’ve built that new experience. Come browse the categories of your favorite interests.

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Naomi Assaraf 🔥
46 reviews
I love this! This basically replaces the need for any kind of email newsletter, and helps reduce your online research on any topic. I've put it to the test, and it performs quite well. Congratulations @kensavage + team!
Matthew Ma
3 reviews
seems there are some problems with the register page... I got blank page for several time!
Simon3 Fernsd
1 review
I am too young to remember stumbleupon, I think they were sold to some big company around my birth year ( 2006 ). That is all I know. It is way more chill than most popular social media apps. And that is something you should appreciate.
Mark Laporte
1 review
Absolutely obsessed with CookieJar.
Jeremy Eckstein
1 review
I miss stumbleupon so so much. thank you