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Brainstory is a tool that helps you talk through ideas.
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What is Brainstory?
Brainstorm with a virtual coach anything from blog posts, to project ideas, to D&D campaigns, to personal bios, to dinner plans, and more! It's like "rubber duck debugging" as a service. Plus, you can get feedback from others without an account!
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Recent launches

Brainstory for Teams
Brainstory helps teams make better decisions by getting people context faster. Brainstory is an async collaboration tool that removes the cognitive overhead of giving, collecting, and aggregating feedback.
Brainstorm with a virtual coach anything from blog posts, to project ideas, to D&D campaigns, to personal bios, to dinner plans, and more! It's like "rubber duck debugging" as a service. Plus, you can get feedback from others without an account!
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Brainstory reviews

(Brainstory is rated 4.6/5 based on 8 reviews)
Veronica Rae Saron
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Eugen Popa
, , and 5 others have reviewed Brainstory.
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