Mint for Google Chrome

Mint for Google Chrome

Save and restore browsing sessions
1 review

What is Mint for Google Chrome?

Mint is a session saver for Google Chrome. Whether you’re juggling between multiple tabs, windows, or even various tab groups, Mint has got it covered. Save your session including windows, their positions, all tabs in all windows and any tab groups.

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Review Mint for Google Chrome?

5/5 based on 1 review


Constantin Wintoniak
24 reviews
Alright, time for a confession. I currently have roundabout 80 open tabs in two Chrome windows. I do not even want to know how many times I have lost my current session for various reasons. In some instances, I have to actually restore it via history digging. So hell yeah, I am using this. And I don't even know if there are other extension that do the same, this is the first one I came across and it does exactly what I want. Thanks!