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Develop responsive web-apps 5x faster
36 reviews

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What do people think of Responsively?

The community submitted 36 reviews to tell us what they like about Responsively, what Responsively can do better, and more.

4.5/5All time (36 reviews)
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Iván Ros
9 reviews
El mejor navegador gratuito para desarrolladores web en cuanto a responsive se refiere. He probado varios y este es el más completo, más incluso que algunos de pago.
Ramzi Osta
1 review
I like it a lot and very helpful to see all devices I am working on, however, when I use the Chrome browser, it is different from the app at the same settings, for example, if I set the Responsively app to iPhone 12 pro. chrome doesn't show the same settings.
Chris King Vargas
1 review
It's great but has bugs here & there.
Bit0r Mack
2 reviews
Very good, it can be used with devices of different resolutions simultaneously.
Jorge Peña 🖥️
2 reviews
Im late to the party, but this is a truly remarkable tool. Makes it so easy to work in responsive styles. For optimal use I would recommend to use it when you have two or more screens so you could have your code in one screen and this great tool in the other. When you pair it with hot loading funcionalities from the stack you work with this is one of the most comfortable workflows I know off. Great work,
Pratiksha Dake
7 reviews
Giulio Michelon
7 reviews
Janne Wolterbeek
2 reviews
1 review
Oguz Alkan
68 reviews

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