

Plan your dream trip in minutes
6 reviews

What is theDIYtrip?

theDIYtrip is a trip planning app that helps travelers save hours of research time and empowers them to plan their trip in seconds to any city in the world. We leverage AI and other technologies to source reliable insights and logistics information that make trip planning hassle-free. Not just that, we also provide one-click booking to book your trips. Isn't that a real time-saver!

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theDIYtrip Plan your dream trip in minutes

Launched on February 27th, 2023

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Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!
32 reviews
TheDIYtrip provides instant recommended itineraries, sourced insights, and a single-click book button for any city in the world. The app is user-friendly and available on all platforms. The app has great potential to become a must-have tool for every traveler out there. #InvincibleArmy
Shashank Singh
12 reviews
I'm a digital nomad and theDIYtrip has been so useful. User experience is great. It's helping me a lot in planning my trips. #InvincibleArmy
Udayraj Parmar
393 reviews
🎉 Congrats on launching the new version of theDIYtrip, @@thediytrip 🌍 🛫 Planning trips can be daunting but your AI-based tool makes it super easy with instant itineraries, reliable insights, and easy booking. Can't wait to try it out! 🤩 What's next for the trip?
Rachael Lake
0 reviews
This app is great so far. I was able to create an itinerary for one of my favorite locations that included some new activities to try. Love that you can purchase tickets straight from the app and skip that laborious process. I can see this saving me a lot of time and energy when exploring new places on the go.
2 reviews
This is just what I've been waiting for! I always wanted a smart travel planner that helps me put together a unique itinerary. I love the recommendations and it's easy to manage everything in one place! Thanks for making this!
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