

Next Generation Frontend Tooling
22 reviews16 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

ClickUp Champ
Connor J.R. Smith
used this to buildClickUp ChampClickUp Champ
(93 points)
I used Vite as the build system and this made packaging for multiple browsers easy.
Anton Osika
used this to buildLovable Visual EditsLovable
(990 points)
Lovable wouldn't be the same without!
Vibor Cipan
used this to buildLovable
(2,009 points)
Key to enable highly customized software development using Lovable
Peter Gokhshteyn
used this to buildTempo LabsTempo
(927 points)
Incredible DX and performance.
Juliana Amorim
used this to buildCroctCroct
(331 points)
Vite powers our dev environment with blazing-fast HMR and build times, making development smooth and efficient.
Adefisola Adigun
used this to buildTokAnalyzrTokAnalyzr
(113 points)
I use Vite because it’s super fast. It makes development smoother by instantly updating changes without reloading the page. Unlike Webpack, it starts quickly and builds projects much faster, which helps me work more efficiently.
Sunil Kumar
used this to buildSide NotepadTest
(125 points)
We use Vite for blazing-fast builds, hot module replacement, and optimized performance, ensuring smooth development and a responsive extension. Its modern tooling simplifies creating a seamless, efficient experience!
Alex Chernenko
used this to buildUploadcare File UploaderUploadcare
(355 points)
Blazing fast! Vite’s instant hot-reloading makes development super responsive and smooth. The best tool for modern web dev 🚀
Victor Coisne
used this to buildStrapi 5Strapi
(286 points)
Strapi 5 offers faster build times, increased efficiency, and a more reliable development process thanks to Vite.
Adefisola Adigun
used this to buildTabBuddyTabBuddy
(107 points)
Why I prefer Vite: Vite is super fast! When I make changes, they show up instantly, which saves me a ton of time. It’s also really easy to set up and works great for modern browsers. Alternative I thought about: Webpack, Parcel Why not them: Webpack is powerful but tricky to configure. Parcel is easier, but Vite feels faster and simpler to use.
Konstantin Hohr
used this to buildRevideoRevideo
(244 points)
We use Vite for bundling and extensively use its Plugin API. Building with it has been great!
used this to buildEnclosedEnclosed
(82 points)
The best bundler and frontend dev tool
Byrdhouse AI
Snow Huo
used this to buildReal-time Voice Translation by ByrdhouseByrdhouse AI
(163 points)
Vite has helped us quickly kickstart frontend projects and removes all of the headache that comes with setting up boilerplate and build systems. We've used it many times to great ease with prototyping all the way to production.
Sanket Chauhan
used this to buildCrunchProfileCrunchProfile
(121 points)
Build process has been very fast. First time trying it out
Sofiane Bmde
used this to buildLemmiLink
(175 points)
Help to build the front-end fastly and with react
used this to buildTeam-UpTeam-Up
(105 points)
Supercharged the front-end development with Vite’s lightning-fast tooling.
Edgardo Ramírez
used this to buildShotKiShotKi
(112 points)
Great tool for building front end apps. We love it!
Taha Shashtari
used this to buildSwapySwapy
(101 points)
Before Vite, using a build tool was my least favorite part of building anything. But now, whenever I want to build something, I just use Vite. Vite makes things very easy and intuitive. When I was building Swapy, I needed to test a few frontend frameworks. With Vite, it was as simple as adding the framework plugin, and it just worked. To make Swapy accessible to others, I needed to compile TypeScript and build it as both an ES module and a UMD module. With Vite, I just had to add a few lines of code, and it worked perfectly.
VueJS Tour
Sascha Gürtler
used this to buildVueJS TourVueJS Tour
(93 points)
Crafting, enhancing, and documenting. A single toolkit to master it all!
X Feed Muter
Cody Bontecou
used this to buildX Feed MuterX Feed Muter
(82 points)
Vite enabled the modern Chrome Extension dev tools that made building this a breeze.