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Sharath Kuruganty
Sharath Kuruganty
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Sharath Kuruganty
You don’t have a big audience and are not a fan of too much marketing? Build The Keyword helps you to find the perfect keyword with low competition and high traffic potential. Build a product around that keyword and watch traffic flow in.
Build The Keyword
Find ideas that will bring you customers on auto-pilot
Sharath Kuruganty
GuestLab gives podcast hosts a head start in research and generates well-crafted intros, exciting topics, and insightful questions from your guest's online presence.
AI-driven guest research assistant for podcast hosts
Sharath Kuruganty
Inspired by the groundbreaking principles of Atomic Habits by James Clear, Atoms is not only a habit tracker, but also your personal guide filled with bite-sized lessons and insightful strategies to help you make positive changes one small step at a time.
Atoms by James Clear
An app for building good habits and breaking bad ones
Sharath Kuruganty
Sharath Kuruganty
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Announcing Audioform πŸ”‰

Hey guys. I'm excited to announce my next product today. It's called Audioform. Designed for product teams and founders, Audioform takes the user’s audio instead of text feedback and leverages AI to convert it into user stories, summaries, support tickets, and more. Join the waitlist: Would love to hear any feedback πŸ™πŸΌ
Sharath Kuruganty
Learning Loop is a peer-to-peer online residency for the world's best tech founders. We have a private community, match founders with other founders in small groups, host peer-to-peer check-in calls, and organize AMAs and in-person events.
Learning Loop
Learning Loop
A peer-to-peer residency for the elite tech founders