Alexandra Goss

Alexandra Goss

I'm here to Market Your SaaS.
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Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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If you work from home, what keeps you productive and organised?

I sometimes find it hard to switch between personal to-do things and client work, and still looking for ways to optimise my routine As a freelancer, I don't have to be present during any particular hours, and I love that flexibility. But it can be counter-productive to do not have any concrete commitments How do you go about it?
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Just get married to someone who also WFH 😉
Alexandre Contador
For those that work remote, how do you fight loneliness?
Alexandre Contador
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Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Got any marketing questions? AMA!

I've noticed that a lot of founders here market their product themselves which is admirable! However, sometimes, a little marketing piece of advice can go a long way. Is there something you always wanted to ask about marketing in general or a particular service? Anything is your marketing mix that doesn't seem to make sense? Ant ideas you need help validating? Ask away! I specialise in tech...
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Boosted posts are often a way to go, especially on LinkedIn
Rupal Saini
Do you run paid advertisements on social media to promote your product?
+1 comment
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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My PH Launch experience: 8 lessons

5 lessons I've learned from my launch on product Hunt (and 3 things I'll do differently next time): ✅ Start early: Create a teaser 1-2 weeks prior to promote the launch and up your Maker profile ✅ Reach out shamelessly: Create a list of people who might be interested in your product and send them the link, call in all favours, use your own network to gain traction ✅ Stay online: Engage as...
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
started a discussion

What's one feature you really miss on Product Hunt?

Personally, I wish I could categorise upvoted products so it's easier to find a particular one UPD: Would also be great to drive more visibility to products that haven’t yet gotten that many upvotes (ie don’t have as many marketing resources). Maybe like a list of “They need some of your love”
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
started a discussion

How long could you survive without internet?

Apart from disruptions to your work (which is obviously tied to the internet since you’re here in Product Hunt - correct me if I’m wrong), what would be the other hardest to endure consequences of not having the internet? (Imagine there’s a major worldwide outage so no one has internet)
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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I can’t believe no one mentioned any food delivery apps 👀
Rupal Saini
Which tools are a must-have in your daily workflow?
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Did you use any AI tools while creating your product?

If yes, which one was the most impactful?
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Great idea! Here's me
Olena Bomko
Let's connect on LinkedIn and X. Share your profiles ⬇️
Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
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Do I have time to snooze the alarm or do I have to get up right now
Priyanka Saini
What's the first thing you check on your phone as soon as you wake up? 🌤️
Priyanka Saini
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Alexandra Goss
Alexandra Goss
started a discussion

Are there any "Unspoken Rules" of Product Hunt?

For instance, "if you reply to a comment you must upvote it first" or something of this sort? Product Hunt Etiquette, if you will