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Boris Barath

Boris Barath

Work @Stripe, hack on the weekends
47 points
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Boris Barath
Hackathon camp is an all in one solution for running your next company hackathon. Schedule when you want to run the hackathon, configure how people can vote and you're ready to go! We'll help you on every step from comms, ideation up to voting.
Hackathon Camp
Hackathon Camp
All-in-one platform for organizing and running hackathons
Boris Barath
With SheetsInterview, you can optimize the hiring process for your organization to hire talent and actually assess their Excel skills. Excel is one of the most used tools in the corporate world and checking the skills of candidates sucks.
Screening & interviewing platform for testing Excel skills
Boris Barath
Stripe Tax lets you calculate and collect sales tax, VAT, and GST with one line of code or the click of a button. Know where to register, automatically collect the right amount of tax, and access the reports you need to file returns.
Stripe Tax
Stripe Tax
Automate taxes on your Stripe transactions