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Metamesh is a product sharing marketplace that helps people discover new products and gives young brands more views on their products.
New brands can post their products for sale and their followers can share their items to their following or other social networks. If a user shares a product and it leads to a sale they earn a 5% commission.

A product sharing marketplace with peer-to-peer marketing

Claudio Atilano
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Hi Product Hunt,
I'm Claudio, one of Metamesh's Co-founders. When my cofounders and I were in college we all created online stores using Ebay and Shopify but marketing costs kept eating our small budgets and our young brands eventually died. We wanted to solve this problem for future brands and we thought that the best way to have our products be discovered was through each other's networks....

A product sharing marketplace with peer-to-peer marketing

Claudio Atilano
left a comment
OFFERS: If you want to join Metamesh we will convert your existing online store to a Metamesh store without you even lifting a finger. DM us on instagram!

A product sharing marketplace with peer-to-peer marketing