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Chimaobi Precious Ohanaka

Chimaobi Precious Ohanaka

Dr Chimaobi Precious Ohanaka Polymath,


Hello my name is Hon Chief Dr Rotr Chimaobi Precious Ohanaka am a Polymath and also the Founder & CEO CHIMAOBI INVESTMENT GROUP, am also the founder of CHIMAOBI TECH HUB a tech company which offers basically content writing services and other tech services as well, am knowledgeable in multiple fields and filled with wisdom and this has enabled to stack a whole lot of skills which includes creative writing, public speaking, artificial intelligence research and Consultancy, artificial intelligence writing, graphics designs, UI/UX designs and a whole lot, am very social and friendly and I love networking with valuable individuals, you can connect with me on X/Twitter and also i have got an amazing mentor known as Samantha Postman she is also a renowned Polymath as well.

