Step-by-step animation is a new feature from Tilda. Find it in Zero Block, an editor for professional designers within Tilda. The editor is available on all plans, including the free plan. You can make text, images and other assets change position, move along a trajectory, change their size, opacity and rotation angle on scroll on click or on hover

StopAd is the ultimate ad blocker for Windows and Mac. This simple, out-of-the-box solution stops all pop-ups, banners, autoplay, and video ads in apps and browsers. Plus, StopAd includes anti-tracking, anti-malware, and anti-cryptomining security features.

Jammy is a super-portable guitar with the real steel strings and a direct 1/8" audio output. No need for any additional apps or gear — you can play Jammy with regular earphones or an amp. NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDERS ON INDIEGOGO!

Crello is a free graphic design editor that helps create images for social media, print and other web based graphics. It contains 30 different formats and 10,000 free and ready-to-use templates for creating graphics.

100AM is event netwoking app: discover other attendees, exchange contacts and get all info about events: news & updates, schedule & speakers. https://100am.co