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Florian Jacques
Connect with like-minded professionals nearby, and make the most out of working remotely without feeling isolated. Our platform aims to re-create the colleagues' environment with exclusive meetups, discussions, groups, and more.
Social network for remote workers to connect beyond screens
Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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let's go team !! ✨
Big day tomorrow PH community - the Midstay launch is finally upon us! Who else will be launching?
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Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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I truly love multi tasking.... Allows me to always have a fresh perspective on anything new I'm starting. However, staying well organized is the key to ensure you can do it
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
What is your approach to multitasking and juggling multiple projects or responsibilities at once?
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
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Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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I strongly believe that Resilience is the only key!
Shajedul Karim
let’s talk about a not-so-talked-about topic: dealing with failures and setbacks.
Shajedul Karim
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Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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Definitely video ! Since UX is a big part of our product
Priyanka Saini
How do you prefer your client feedback & testimonial : text, video, or audio - what's your pick?
Priyanka Saini
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Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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How did you choose the name of your app?

Most of people takes way too long to define their project's name even before having starting it... For us, we were already shaping the outline of our platform since 2-3 months when MIDSTAY came up. I had a call with my father, and I was explaining to him that I met a super interesting guy in Bali, called Magnus. He is software engineer and myself as a Product guy we wanted to join force and...
Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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I put product at the top ... But one that is not mentioned and that is even further up: the TEAM
What's more important: great marketing or the best product?
Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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I just supported ! Feel free to do the same once we launch on the 30th of Nov.
What's the most exciting thought that comes to mind on your launch day?
Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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Oh I didn't now Forest!! Will give a try this week :)
As a remote worker, what are the top 3 platforms/apps that you can't live without?
Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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You know my answer! 😎
How important is community and networking for remote professionals?
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Florian Jacques
Florian Jacques
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Interesting product! You got my vote :)
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