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Hayden Williams
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Definitely my favorite weekly newsletter, especially love the startup of the week feature. No, no, no, notorious!

Notorious PLG
The best PLG startups, metrics and community, every week

Hayden Williams
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I love Justine & Olivia's weekly newsletter. As a consumer investor, I can vouch for the fact that they are building a community and curating content that's relevant not just for those hoping to get into tech/VC, but for those already in the industry!
Online community to break into tech & VC

Hayden Williams
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Incredible craftsmanship like all of Baron Fig's digital and analog tools. Nice work!

Archer Pencil by Baron Fig
Ultralight minimal pencil

Hayden Williams
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The Vidcode team is consistently coming up with new, fun ways get young people, and in particular young women, interested in coding. This contest is the latest such example.

Build your own Snapchat filters with code

Hayden Williams
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@zacharydewitt I love the new focus on groups. Looking forward to more awesome stuff from the Firefly team!

Firefly 2.0
The best way to coordinate with friends

Hayden Williams
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I've been a user since day 1. Great product that's consistently improving. I'm at JFK now, look me up on Drop Messages and next time you're here you'll see what I'm doing now (hint: it involves cinnabon)

Drop Messages 2.0
Get alerts when friends and photos are nearby

Hayden Williams
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Just in time because I just filled up my third Baron Fig notebook. Thanks @joeycofone and @adamkornfield for creating this!

An anthem celebrating process, for makers.

Hayden Williams
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Hey all, I'm a co-founder at Treatings. We're excited to be on Product Hunt today launching Treatings 2.0. Our mission continues to be to help you discover and chat with the right people for your career, but we've designed a brand new experience based on feedback from Treatings 1.0.
Treatings 1.0 was a utility - members added career interests and the app suggested nearby people to chat with....

Treatings 2.0
The first reputation-based professional network

Treatings 2.0
The first reputation-based professional network

Hayden Williams
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Stumbled across this yesterday and thought 1) cool! 2) I love presents 3) I want to meet Startup Santa in the flesh. I added Treatings to the nice list and quickly got a response. Check it out.

Startup Santa
Free presents for your team. Delivered by Startup Santa.

Startup Santa
Free presents for your team. Delivered by Startup Santa.

Hayden Williams
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Another beautiful product, good stuff!

Baron Fig RiverPathGrass
A surprise limited edition to celebrate spring

Hayden Williams
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Hey everyone - I’m a co-founder of Treatings. Excited to share our app with the Product Hunt community for the first time!
Our mission is to help people create new relationships that enhance their professional and creative lives. This year we transitioned from web to mobile with the launch of an iPhone app, which leverages members’ professional experience, career interests and favorite...

Treatings (iOS)
Meet the right people for your career, over coffee

Treatings (iOS)
Meet the right people for your career, over coffee

Hayden Williams
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Current status: filling up my 3rd Baron these books

Baron Fig Maker
Two limited editions to celebrate one year since launch

Hayden Williams
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I've been carrying @baronfig's products with me ever since they launched their amazing kickstarter. Love this creative spin on their classic notebook

Three-Legged Juggler
A story-driven limited edition Confidant

Three-Legged Juggler
A story-driven limited edition Confidant