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Kalvir Sandhu
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Downloaded. Played. Lost time. Got totally hooked on those balloons!
Lovely game and different to the usual puzzle style of games i've played. Nice work!

The prettiest game of memory you'll ever play

Kalvir Sandhu
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This is great! We've been wanting a +1 on messages for a while, this is way better. This is going to make extracting our most liked messages a lot easier (we build an internal email newsletter to share important business updates). Thank you Slack 😻

Slack Emoji Reactions
Respond to any message with an emoji! 🎉😻🙌

Kalvir Sandhu
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This looks like an alternative to which requires hosting. Great for those looking for cheap email sending on Amazon SES.
Is it still the case that there is a sending limit of 10,000/24hrs and only at a rate of 5 emails per second with opening SES accounts?

Grow your business with simple email marketing

Kalvir Sandhu
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If I had a demo video on our product I would use this in an instant to make some people smile, maybe my investor pitch deck :)

Explained by Arnold
Get total recall from your product videos.

Explained by Arnold
Get total recall from your product videos.

Kalvir Sandhu
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Nice work @kul.
I've been thinking about a concept similar to this for a while. Have you thought about integrating with existing data services to determine an individual's context? Rather than just location what they're doing, 'working on project x' (because they sent Github commits), etc.
Also have you thought about making a mac app to post the location? That way team members can just...

See what your friends are up to w/ automatic status updates

Kalvir Sandhu
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Big fan of this newsletter, I look forward to it daily!

Mattermark Daily
A curated newsletter of blog posts from investors & founders

Kalvir Sandhu
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I've been subscribed to this for a while now. I love the selection of music, I play the tracks to people in the office and love the daily gif too!

Discover one amazing new song, every day

Kalvir Sandhu
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Nice one Alex! This one hits a big need for me, I've always ended up manually using Rapportive for this. I was going to make exactly this when you launched Clearbit but didn't get around to it.
Might still make a Clearbit integration with mixpanel new users to give me a nice daily summery email of this data. Unless you've got that coming soon? :)

Rapportive for Email Lists

Kalvir Sandhu
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Simple, well designed, I like it. This is always something I'm calculating so this tool is bookmarked and something I'm going to use in the future. Nice work!

Ad Spend Calculator
Should my startup pay to advertise?

Kalvir Sandhu
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I can remember listening to the sound and music that came from that 8-bit sound card and being amazed, it was great. This machine got me doing what I do today.

Commodore Amiga
The world's first multimedia, multitasking personal computer

Kalvir Sandhu
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As an alternative you might want to check out - an open source kit of "internet-of-things" printing.

Little Printer
A delightful web-connected printer that lives in your home.

Kalvir Sandhu
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Nice simple button but I've been creating quick hangouts with a URL - I think @joestump told me first about it, it's been great.

Faster Access to Google Hangouts

Kalvir Sandhu
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@daveambrose Yeah we agree, we're in the process of updating our landing page, we didn't expect people to share the service yet.
For now check out this newsletter which was built by a developer who works on the core Rails team by using just our chrome extension.

Build great email newsletters in minutes

Kalvir Sandhu
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Thanks for your kind comments folks.
@rrhoover we're working on adding team collaboration and some other great features to make collecting relevant content easier. Such as collecting links from Buffer, twitter favorites and RSS feeds.

Build great email newsletters in minutes

Save links from the web on the go with easy browser extensions, build email newsletters with drag and drop and send with Goodbits, MailChimp or other with an HTML Export.

Build great email newsletters in minutes