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🤠 Howdy! For my first app, I've decided to venture into the saturated flashcard market! None of the existing apps—Anki et al—were sexy enough, native enough, simple enough, delightful enough, scintillating enough, etcetera enough. So I've built something new!

Omen — Flashcards
Flashcards for the modern era

Kit Langton
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Howdy Product Hunt,
Oh my goodness! My little app has been featured 😵
I hope you accept the following wall-of-text (describing some features and design reasoning) as a token of my gratitude:
# Memorize Different
Most flashcard apps are built around prefab decks, downloaded from a (hopefully) curated library. While that's a fine vision, it leads to design decisions which consequently...

Omen — Flashcards
Flashcards for the modern era