Mikhail Sidakov

Mikhail Sidakov

VP at Republic (X/Twitter: @mihalsid)
78 points
All activity
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
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Interesting, congrats on the launch!
Find, analyze & monitor your product reviews in real-time
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks cool, congrats on the launch!
LLM powered intelligent knowledge interface
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks useful!
OpenVC Fundraising CRM
OpenVC Fundraising CRM
Raise funds for your startup with a slick, smart CRM
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks useful, congrats on the launch!
The AI assistant connected to your business tools
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Something for autofans is always like! Congrats on the launch!
Vehicle owners club app with awesome collectible cards
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Was waiting for something like that, congrats on the launch!
Flipner AI
Capture your ideas & craft texts with AI's touch
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Congrats on the launch, will test it out!
Huudle AI Project Assistant
Connect meetings, track to-do, get aligned
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Nice update, congrats, Iaroslav!
Your ultimate product improvement assistant
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Like the idea!
Connect with your community and culture in new places
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks convenient, upvoted and saved!
Beep! 2.0
Fastest tool to assign and share visual tasks with your team
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
I don't have pet, but already shared with my friends with pets, looks useful! Congrats on the launch!
Your personal assistant to track pet's health and wellness
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Great idea!
Business trips for globally dispersed teams
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Congrats on the launch, Stas! Great pace!
Simplify business travel with your AI assistant
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks useful!
Make competitive analysis 5x faster
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Cool, congrats on the launch!
All GPTs
200+ custom GPTs in one directory
Mikhail Sidakov
Mikhail Sidakov
left a comment
Looks cool, congrats on the launch!
AI Demo my Website
AI Demo my Website
Preview an AI chatbot trained on your website