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Navin Pareek

Navin Pareek

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Navin Pareek
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Navin Pareek
Navin Pareek
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I will upvote anything with GPT3. I find this techology fascinating!
OpenAI-powered startup idea generator
Navin Pareek
Navin Pareek
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Great product! Would you say it is similar to
Live Meetings AI by Vidlogs
Live Meetings AI by Vidlogs
Make your team live meetings searchable and asynchronous
Navin Pareek
Navin Pareek
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I can say from experience that tweet threads are a pain. Will most definitely use this!
Chirr App v2
Chirr App v2
What Twitter's missing: thread editor, edit tweets and more!
Navin Pareek
In light of COVID crisis, here is a curated list of ~400 self help books and feel-good movies covering over 35 different categories.
Self help books
Self help books
Curated, COVID related (free) list of ~400 self help books
Navin Pareek
Manage orders, inventory and business intelligence for eCommerce
Multi-channel inventory management & ERP software
Navin Pareek
Use your favorite email, app or online form to turn submissions into automated, tracked approval workflows
Approval Donkey
Simple no-code approval workflows for your business