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Alexey Beliy
Alexey Beliy
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Let's rock guys! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼
Albato 3.0
Turn tech chaos into integration magic
Alexey Beliy
AI integrations with Telegram and other SaaS tools can make your life easier and more efficient. Automate tedious tasks, get personalized recommendations, and access powerful insights - all while staying connected with your team.
Free AI assistant in Telegram by Albato
Unlock the power of Open AI API + Albato Integrations
Alexey Beliy
Alexey Beliy
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Wow! Great app and launch! Wish you #1!!!
AI-driven push notifications on top of your analytics
Alexey Beliy
Albato is a no-code platform that lets you integrate cloud services and build custom automations to simplify your workflow easier.

Automations can simplify your business, but setting them up is more complicated than assembling a kidā€™s toy!
Albato 2.0
Albato 2.0
Build no-code API automations between any cloud apps
Alexey Beliy
Albato Embedded is an easy low-code way to create integrations within your product. And new integrations to not yet connected apps can be built by anyone using the no-code integration builder tool and go live on your product within minutes.
Albato Embedded
Add no-code integrations into your product within minutes
Alexey Beliy
Albato - No-code Automation platform.
A single platform for all business automations. You can connect any apps without coders. If you didn't find the app, just add it! By the way, we have solutions for Saas. Any Saas can take embedded connectors. Enjoy!
API automation platform for all business processes