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Nicholas Moryl
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Congrats on the launch, @gallagherbilly! Definitely wish I had a tool like this earlier in my career.

Find startups worth betting your career on

Nicholas Moryl
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How does this compare with NUVIZ?

The world's first universal smart helmet system

Nicholas Moryl
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I listen to a lot of VC/startup-related podcasts, and this is by far one of the most insightful ones I've heard. While it starts slow, the part about key metrics is not to be missed. It's essential listening if you want to know how VCs evaluate early-stage SaaS startups. More information on SaaS startup metrics here:

The Full Ratchet - Ep36: SaaS Startup Investing (Mamoon Hamid)
Mamoon Hamid (Social+Capital) on how VCs evaluate SaaS cos

The Full Ratchet - Ep36: SaaS Startup Investing (Mamoon Hamid)
Mamoon Hamid (Social+Capital) on how VCs evaluate SaaS cos

Nicholas Moryl
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Excellent book. A must-read for anyone working around startups. It does a great job of showing that the anxieties founders face haven't changed much over time, and even ideas that are obvious in retrospect weren't quite so clear at the time.

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days
Interviews with Founders of Famous Technology Companies